Salaries and Benefits


PGYAnnual Salary
1 $66,918.00
2 $69,431.00
3 $72,679.00
4 $76,493.00
5 $80,521.00
6 $83,617.00
7 $88,055.00


Vacation – All residents from the PGY-2 through PGY-7 Chief Resident will have two-week vacations during these years in addition to the Christmas/New Year seasonal break. The PGY-2 and PGY-7 vacation will come in one-week segments during the August-to-November and February-to-May periods.

Hospitalization Insurance – Coverage is provided through Parkland Health & Hospital Systems (PHHS). Group hospitalization insurance is provided at a nominal cost to residents with the remainder of the cost paid by Dallas County Hospital District. Enrollment of the resident's spouse and/or dependents in the group plan is available at his/her expense. Benefits payable under this plan are subject to any changes made in the program during the course of the year.

Disability – Coverage is provided through PHHS. The Long-Term Disability Plan is designed to help replace the resident's earnings if he/she is unable to work because of an illness or injury that lasts longer than three consecutive months.

SubscriptionsJournal of Neurosurgery (individual subscriptions provided through American Association of Neurological Surgery) and Neurosurgery (individual subscriptions provided through Congress of Neurological Surgeons with resident membership of $25)

Computer – Access and support is provided. Individual programs are available for each neurosurgery resident to document training and experience.

Neurosurgery Meetings and Conferences – Each resident above the PGY-2 level will be sent to one major neurosurgical meeting or course per year. This is commonly one of the sectional meetings during their more junior years, although the PGY-3 resident will be urged to attend one of several neurosurgical courses during this year. In addition, any resident will be sent to at least one other major neurosurgical meeting per year if he/she is presenting at that meeting.