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Bluebugging occurs when a hacker exploits a vulnerability or weakness in a Bluetooth connection. They accomplish this through tools and software that can detect Bluetooth devices in proximity with vulnerable connections.



Deepfake refers to a video, photo or voice clone that is created using artificial intelligence (AI). AI can be used to replicate images, speech patterns and mannerisms to manipulate depictions of people and events. Threat actors can use this technology to spread misinformation, cause disruption, and erode trust.

Fake Error Messages


Cybercriminals create fake error messages to lure users into installing malware while web browsing or opening a document.

Zombie Apps & Accounts


Zombie apps and accounts are forgotten online services that endanger your privacy, clutter your phone, and drain your battery.

Password Spraying


Password spraying involves an attacker placing a list of potential usernames in a program and trying a common or default password against the list of usernames.

Digital Footprint


Your digital footprint is any tidbits of information you leave about yourself online. Those comments, pictures, and posts on social media form a picture about you.

Online Donations


It is easier than ever to support the charity of your choice with online donations. It is also easier than ever for scammers to masquerade as a charity and take advantage of those who want to help in a disaster. Spotting fake charity campaigns can be difficult.



Typosquatting targets internet users who incorrectly type a URL into their web browser.

Social Engineering


Social engineering is a low-tech approach used by scammers to gain access to an organization’s information and resources.

Termed Accounts


Deprovisioning is the process of deleting employee access to information resources when they leave. Supervisors and sponsors, please be sure to follow up when a user leaves UTSW. These unattended accounts could continue to be used by the ex employee or function as an easy starting point for an attacker.