Clinician-Scientist Track

Why UT Southwestern?

The Diagnostic Radiology Clinician-Scientist Residency Program is NIH-funded through a competitive T32 award. The training program begins with a full year of dedicated research immediately following internship, and builds upon this experience by devoting six weeks of research in each of the remaining four clinical years to keep trainees engaged in their research and their chosen laboratory. This gives trainees a five-year horizon to select high-risk/high-gain projects and allows them to complete their project, publish their work, submit grant proposals, and assume greater responsibility in the laboratory to better learn how to build and maintain a research team.

Once trainees begin clinical training, they will learn alongside their clinical colleagues over the entire four-year clinical program without interruption, except for the six weeks per year, to maintain pace and competence. In addition, the fourth year has nine months of electives to focus on mini-fellowships, additional research, and potentially mentored teaching of medical students.

Program Highlights 
Facilities and Equipment 
Research Opportunities 
Salaries and Benefits 
How to Apply