Vitreoretinal Fellowship – Program 4106

Virtual Tour of the Department of Ophthalmology

The goal of the Vitreoretinal Fellowship Program at UT Southwestern is to provide graduates the widest possible exposure to surgical and medical retina. The program is geared toward training well-rounded future thought leaders in the field. In addition to providing trainees with clinical experience, retina faculty strongly encourage and expect fellows to undertake scholarly activities, including submitting an abstract for presentation at at least one major national meeting.

Cases and Curriculum

Trainees will experience a wide range of cases while at UT Southwestern. The first-year fellow performs retinopathy of prematurity examinations at Clements University Hospital and Parkland Hospital with the second-year retina resident. The fellow will examine all infants, and, together with a second-year retina trainee, treat children’s high-risk eyes.

The second-year participant schedules two days of surgery per week at Parkland Hospital and performs approximately 300-400 cases as primary surgeon. S/he will also supervise fluorescein angiography readings by the second-year (Parkland) retinal residents. The vitreoretinal participant and third-year resident rotating on the Retina Service at Parkland run the retina clinics. Generally, there are 30 to 40 patients from which up to 10 surgical cases are posted. The second-year Retina participant is also involved in the medical and surgical care of patients at John Peter Smith Hospital in Fort Worth and Children’s Medical Center (Dallas), both of which have fully equipped ORs for vitreoretinal surgery.

Technology and Instruments

Fellows are trained using advanced equipment, including the Zeiss microscope with video camera (Lumera 700 with RESIGHT viewing system), an argon and diode laser with endo and indirect delivery systems, Constellation® vitrectomy/laser system, fragmatome, illuminated forceps and scissors, a complete array of retinal instruments from Grieshaber, Mentor, DORC, and Synergetics, as well as subretinal instruments from DORC, wide-viewing lens sets, and the Grieshaber MPC. Silicone oil and liquid perfluorochemicals are available and BIOM and RESIGHT wide-angle viewing systems are located in all surgical facilities.

Faculty surgical cases are performed at Clements University Hospital, while the fellows’ primary surgical responsibilities extend to service patients at John Peter Smith Hospital in Fort Worth, Parkland Hospital, and the Dallas Veterans Affairs Medical Center. At these hospitals, the fellow is usually the primary surgeon. Extensive exposure is provided to wide angle viewing systems in vitreous surgery, silicone oil surgery, and perfluorochemical vitreous substitutes. Experience in macular and subretinal surgery is also provided.

Virtual Tour of the Department of Ophthalmology


Candidates must have successfully completed ACGME (or Canadian equivalent) accredited ophthalmology residency training and be eligible to obtain a full Texas medical license. U.S. citizenship or permanent resident status is required.

Application due date: August 31, 2024

2024 In-Person Interview dates: Friday, October 4 and Monday, October 28 

Stipend: PGY5, no less than $80,521

AUPO/Fellowship Compliance Committee accredited: Yes


Vitreoretinal Fellowship Program applicants must register and submit an application through the SFMatchInterviews are required and granted by invitation only. 

Apply via SFMatch
