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Quantitative Light Microscopy

Microscopic green image with red lines
Our Goal

Provide access to high-end optical microscopes to enable cancer-focused research.


C. Kern Wildenthal Research Building (NL)
NL 5 - North Campus
6000 Harry Hines Blvd.
Dallas, TX 75390

The Quantitative Light Microscopy Shared Resource (QLMSR) provides affordable access to a variety of state-of-the-art optical microscopes to support the cancer-focused research of Simmons members. The QLMSR team consults with new and current users, provides customized training, and advises on sample preparation, data acquisition, and data analysis.


QLMSR has capability for wide-field, confocal and TIRF imaging of live and fixed samples, including immunofluorescence, fluorescent expression tags, and cleared tissues. The Shared Resource provide instrumentation and expertise that permit multiday, time-lapse imaging of live samples. It provides instrumentation for two photon intra-vital imaging of whole animals and organs, including second harmonic generation for visualizing collagen, muscle, and bone in unstained samples.

QLMSR is the primary source for high-quality super-resolution imaging on the UT Southwestern campus and receives significant institutional support as well as support from the Simmons Cancer Center. It provides microscopes capable of true color imaging of histologically stained samples, polarization microscopy, and stereo fluorescence microscopy. It is the only source at UTSW of instrumentation for fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) in cells and solutions.

Members are provided with access to powerful workstations and software for image processing and data analysis. They also work with users to develop customized image acquisition and analysis pipelines, including colocalization, single particle tracking, and object counting.

An additional service made possible by QLMSR, in conjunction with the UTSW Electron Microscopy Core Facility, is correlative light and electron microscopy. Also, a new service is a collaboration with UTSW Microscopy Innovation Laboratory (MIL) to fast track access to cutting edge microscope technology for Simmons Cancer Center members.

Technology and Equipment

The QLMSR maintains 14 microscopes, three image analysis workstations with software for image processing and analysis, and network-accessible servers for data transfer and temporary backup.


  • Zeiss LSM780 Upright scanning confocal/multiphoton
  • Zeiss LSM780 Inverted scanning confocal/multiphoton
  • Zeiss LSM880 Inverted scanning confocal/multiphoton and FCS
  • Zeiss LSM880 Inverted scanning confocal with Airyscan
  • Nikon CSU-W1 SoRa spinning disk confocal with super resolution and FRAP modules
  • GE OMX SR super-resolution microscope for 3D SIM, PALM/STORM and ring-TIRF
  • Two Deltavision deconvolution microscopes
  • Fluorescent lifetime imaging (ILM)
  • Nikon Ti wide-field epifluorescence
  • Zeiss AxioObserver epifluorescence
  • Zeiss Axioscop histology
  • Zeiss SteREO Discovery V12
  • Dell Precision 64-bit
  • mesoSPIM for cleared specimens (isotropic ~5 µm resolution through very large volumes)


Simmons Cancer Center members and staff receive free training and a 25% subsidy for usage fees.

For additional information, including signing up for services, please visit the QLM Lab Site

Leadership and Contact

Abhi Budge, M.S., B.M.E.

Abhijit Bugde, M.S., B.M.E

Facility Manager, QLMSR

Phone: 214-648-3890

Dorothy Mundy, Ph.D.
Dorothy Mundy, Ph.D.

Applications Specialist, QLMSR

Phone: 214-648-3981