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SCCC Intramural Opportunities

SCCC Building

The Harold C. Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center (SCCC) uses intramural funding to strengthen basic, translational, clinical, and population science research at UT Southwestern Medical Center, its affiliated health systems, and the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area. Application links below to apply for funding will take you to the SCCC's InfoReady application system, which runs best on the latest version of Chrome, Firefox, or Safari browsers.

Breast Cancer Collaborative Pilot Funding Program

The purpose of this request for applications (RFA) is to identify and support the early development of high-quality, innovative collaborative research projects focusing on breast cancer. This RFA aims to support breast cancer research projects that involve multiple investigators at UTSW, and is open to all investigators with breast cancer-focused projects. The application process is currently closed. 

Early Career American Cancer Society Institutional Research Grant

SCCC and the American Cancer Society (ACS) is proud to offer the American Cancer Society Institutional Research Grant (ACS-IRG). The program's aim is to support the development of new investigators to conduct independent cancer research; to foster direct relationships between funded institutions and the local ACS; and to support research by newly independent investigators in areas of special interest to the ACSThe application process is currently closed.

Early-Stage Clinical Investigators Awards

The Early-Stage Investigator Awards support up to 20% effort of an early-stage clinical investigator and an additional $30K in research support. The investigator will be responsible for developing an investigator-initiated cancer trial and optimizing Simmons Cancer Center’s participation in the National Cancer Institute’s National Clinical Trials Network. The application process is currently closed.

Spatial Proteomics and Transcriptomics Pilot Program

The purpose of this RFA is to identify and support the early development of high-quality, innovative cancer-related research projects that apply the techniques of spatial proteomics and/or transcriptomics established in the Immune Monitoring Core of SCCC. Proposals may be basic, translational or clinical in focus, including quantitative methods design. This program aims to support new directions in the applicant’s work focused on spatial biological questions related to cancer biology, diagnosis or treatment. Proposals may extend an established theme of the applicant’s research into spatial omics or may be a completely new experimental system or set of approaches. The application process is currently closed.

Translational Research Pilot Awards

The purpose of the Translational Research Pilot Awards is to identify and support the early development of high quality, innovative cancer research projects from all areas, including basic science, laboratory-based translation, clinical investigation, and population science. This award mechanism aims to support new cancer research directions and is open to UT Southwestern investigators at the late Assistant Professor level. 

There are two mechanisms:

  • The Developmental Funds for Clinical Oncology Trials Pilot Program application process is currently closed. 
  • The Translational Research Pilot application process is currently closed

National Cancer Institute Stimulus Awards

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) Stimulus Award Program provides support for NCI R01 applications that score within 10 points of the payline and that will be resubmitted. This mechanism is directly aligned with the Simmons Cancer Center's strategic plan to bolster cancer-focused funding from the NCI. Applications being accepted within 30-days of receipt of a NIH Summary Sheet.

Team Science Awards

The Team Science Awards promote and support the submission of large collaborative multi-investigator cancer applications for extramural funding. Support includes External Advisory Board costs, FTE coordinator effort, award-specific pilot projects, ad hoc reviews, and post-submission support for generation of additional data. Requests are accepted on a rolling basis and applicants must have a team of Simmons Cancer Center members who plan to submit a multi-investigator grant application (P01, U-type grant, SPORE, DOD Center, etc.) within the next 12- to 18-month period.

Community-Engaged Research Pilot Awards 

The Community-Engaged Research Pilot Awards provide up to $100K (18-month) in support of partnerships between a Simmons Cancer Center member(s) and a community organization to design basic, clinical, translational, and population research studies to promote cancer health equity in the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan areaApplications are being accepted on a rolling basis.

Cancer & Obesity Translational Research Pilot Program 

The purpose of this RFA is to identify and support the early development of scientifically meritorious and innovative pilot projects focused on obesity-associated cancers from areas including basic cancer science, translational research, clinical investigation, and population science. The long term goal of this initiative is to develop a portfolio of competitive, extramurally funded projects that will constitute the basis of a P50-type application co-led by the SCCC and the Touchstone Diabetes Center. The application process is currently closed. 

Early Onset Colorectal Cancer (EO CRC) Pilot Funding Program

The purpose of the EO CRC is to identify and support the early development of high-quality, innovative translational cancer research projects from areas including basic cancer science, clinical investigation, and population science including quantitative methods design addressing early onset colorectal cancer. The application process is currently closed. 

Neuro-Oncology Translational Research Pilot Funding Program

The purpose of the Neuro-Oncology Translational Research Pilot Funding Program is to identify and support the early development of rigorous and innovative laboratory or clinical neuro-oncology translational research projects. The application process is currently closed for this program.   

Questions about SCCC Intramural Program?

Katie Nunez
Sr. Grants and Contract Specialist