Other Diseases

This group of users represents investigators of other diseases who are interested in using PET tracers for their research.

For cardiology and metabolism, the ability to produce 11C radiotracer has an enormous impact on these users. In the past, the interest of these investigators has been primarily dedicated to developing and applying new 13C NMR methods for analysis of intermediary metabolism. Molecules labeled with 11C will provide the best temporal and spatial resolution. The combination of expertise in 13C NMR spectroscopy and 11C-enabled PET in a single site has produced an exciting opportunity to develop complementary studies.

Many of the investigators in this group might have not previously had access to 11C radiotracers and the capacity to image metabolism with PET imaging. Given the productivity of these investigators and the diversity of animal models at UT Southwestern, access to 11C- and 18F-labeled fatty acids to measure fatty acid oxidation or other intermediary metabolic pathways has substantially, positively impacted ongoing and future projects on campus.

In brain imaging and psychiatry, the role of PET has long been established. A large group of existing PET radiotracers can be used directly for studies. In addition, because new MRI techniques of brain require validation of PET with 15O, 11C, 18F-labeled radiotracers, the availability of the Cyclotron and Radiochemistry Facility has greatly facilitated these projects.

For autoimmunity, the investigators at UT Southwestern have identified many novel biomolecules and compounds with potential for diagnosis and treatment of autoimmunity diseases. The availability of PET imaging with existing, investigational, and novel radiotracers has provided these investigators an invaluable tool for their research projects.