Nikon CSU-W1 SoRa (NL5.120R)

- Spinning disk confocal microscope for fixed or live samples
- Build for speed, allowing visualization of rapid dynamics in live cells and tissues
- SoRa module for resolution down to 120 nm.
- Piezo z-drive for fast z-stack acquisition.
- Fast xy-stage for multi-point acquisition and tiling.
- Perfect Focus System to keep your sample in focus
- High acquisition speed insures better cell viability and reduced photobleaching compared to point-scanning LSM.
- 405, 445, 488, 514, 561, 640 nm confocal/SoRa laser lines.
- 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x, 60x and 100x objectives.
- FRAP module includes 405, 473 and 561 laser lines
- Hamamatsu Orca-Fusion sCMOS camera, allowong up to 100 frames/s with 2300x2300px field of view
- Oko Lab environmental control including CO2.
- Compatible with slides, 35 mm dishes, multi-well chambers, microtiter plates and more.
supported by NIH 1S10OD028630-01