Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)
FEI Tecnai G2 Spirit Biotwin (NL1.160G)
- Accelerating voltage 40 to 120 kV
- Magnification 150 X to 300,000 X
- Resolution 0.34nm
- Motorized Compustage
- SIS Morada 11 Mpixel side mount CCD, Gatan 2Kx2K multiport readout post column CCD
- Gatan 626 70° tilt cryo holder
- Fischione dual axis tomography holder
- FEI Xplore3D tomography acquisition software
JEOL 1400 Plus (NL1.160K)
- Accelerating voltage 40 to 120 kV
- Magnification 150 X to 300,000 X
- Resolution 0.34nm
- Eucentric Motorized 5 axis side entry goniometer stage
- AMT BIOSPRINT16M-ActiveVu mid mount CCD camera
- High angle specimen tilt holder
- Serial EM tomography and montaging software