DOCS Application Information
Nominations for Disease-Oriented Clinical Scholars (DOCS) awards are reviewed on a rolling basis so there is no application deadline. Funds are available to select up to 5 awards annually.
The application consists of the following:
- Application form
- Budget using the DOCS Program template
- CV that includes all research publications
- A research statement written by the candidate that describes the proposed research program. The statement should not exceed 4 pages.
- Bibliography for research statement (not to exceed 2 pages)
- Letters of recommendation (n = 3): the letters should comment on the candidate's research accomplishments and future promise.
- Examples of candidate's publications (n ≤ 3)
- A letter from the UTSW Department Chair (≤ 3 pages)
- Reviews applicant’s research experience and program
- Explains how the candidate's research will fit into the department's current and planned research enterprise
- Provides the following information:
- The date of appointment to the faculty
- The location of laboratory and office space
- Any other resources that will be provided to the candidate to support their research program
- The percent time to be protected for research during the award
- The anticipated clinical responsibilities during the award
- Name a committee of 3 mentors who will meet at least yearly to review the research program
Review Criteria
- Candidate's qualifications and research experience
- Quality of research publications
- Creativity and quality of the research statement
- Future promise as a disease-oriented basic or clinical researcher
- Evidence of commitment to education and training as an investigator
- Letters of recommendation and letter from Department Chair
- Evidence of departmental support, including ample protected time for research
- Requested support being commensurate with the need
- Requests that will optimize career development and future success