Agape MSK Clinic

Agape is a 100% philanthropically funded charity healthcare facility in Dallas that extends care to all without restrictions or prerequisites (no income requirements, zip code restrictions, no insurance filed, etc.). Over 500 medical students volunteer at the Agape Clinic each year. 

Agape MSK Clinic

Agape Musculoskeletal Clinic is a student-run clinic that provides free musculoskeletal specialty care for underserved patients once a month at the Agape Clinic. Our team includes musculoskeletal focused physicians and residents from various specialties, medical student volunteers, and translators.

  • Clinic Hours: 1 Saturday per month, usually 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (variable to physician availability)
  • Average number of patients: 5 - 10
  • Clinic population: Underserved communities of Dallas, including Spanish-speaking populations

For more information: Gabrielle Gard (president / executive manager)