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Research Fellowships

The Department of Plastic Surgery is seeking energetic, engaging medical students and residents, as well as D.P.M., M.D., or Ph.D. applicants for our Research Fellowship Program. We require a full-time 1- to 2-year commitment so we can truly perform valued research of merit, which will advance your career as well as answer probing questions related to plastic surgery.

Under the direction of Jeffrey Kenkel, M.D. and Shai Rozen, M.D., our group focuses on multiple areas of basic, anatomic, and clinical translational research. From clinical to basic science endeavors, the research in the Department of Plastic Surgery is multifaceted, covering areas of anatomical studies to stem cell research and applications to improve wound healing.

Varied aspects of plastic surgery investigated may include outcomes in breast reconstruction, migraine headaches, hand surgery, noninvasive assessment of facial aging, wound healing, pediatric craniofacial surgery, peripheral nerve surgery, facial reanimation, trauma and burn reconstruction, and aesthetic surgery.

The Department of Plastic Surgery is actively engaged in the development of new modalities to enhance evidence-based medicine and incorporate it into the practice of plastic surgery.

Current studies underway focus on the application and function of adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) in fat grafting and wound healing. ADSCs are multipotent cells found in adipose tissues that we are studying for their application in fat graft take and survivability as well as non-union and chronic wound therapies.

We also have developed novel and innovative systems for the study of negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) to better understand this technology and the mechanisms by which it enhances wound healing in type 2 diabetics and other compromised wound healing systems.

The field of laser therapy is another active area of research where we focus on its application for aesthetics, improving wound outcomes, and as a non-invasive method for transdermal drug delivery.

Our group is also involved in several areas of anatomical research, including the development of new and innovative perforator flaps, innovative peripheral nerve research, anatomic studies on migraine nerve pathways, as well as composite tissue transplantation of the face and upper extremities (CTA).

Application Process and Timeline

There will be a limited number of research positions per year in the UT Southwestern Department of Plastic Surgery.

  • Application and instructions can be found here (link).
  • Applications will close December 1 for positions that start the following July/August.
  • P.M., M.D., or Ph.D. applicants should email their application (link) and CV to (email) Shai Rozen, M.D., Director of Research
  • Medical students should submit their application (link) and CV via email to (email) Debby Noble, Clinical Research Manager.
  • Interviews with faculty via phone, skype, or in person (if local) will be scheduled for January – February.
  • Positions will be offered by March 1.
  • Those applicants accepted to the selective positions will begin the research year in July/August.

Plastic Surgery 2024-25 Research Students

Bhavana Thota

Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

  • Faculty Mentors: Jeffrey Kenkel, M.D. / Bardia Amirlak, M.D.
  • Hometown: Dallas, TX
  • Undergraduate: Penn State
  • Medical School: Jefferson

Thomas Troia, M.S.

Reconstructive Plastic Surgery: Breast

  • Faculty Mentors: Sumeet Teotia, M.D. / Nicholas Haddock, M.D.
  • Hometown: Omaha, NE
  • Undergraduate: TCU
  • Medical School: TCU

Lauren McAllister

Reconstructive Plastic Surgery: Mohs'

  • Faculty Mentor: James Thornton, M.D.
  • Hometown: Kirkland, WA
  • Undergraduate: Calif. Lutheran Univ.
  • Medical School: Univ. of Washington

Matthew Sink

Reconstructive Plastic Surgery: Hand

  • Faculty Mentors: Andrew Zhang, M.D. / Douglas Sammer, M.D. / Andrei Odobescu, M.D.
  • Hometown: Oxford, MS
  • Undergraduate: U. Alabama
  • Medical School: U. Mississippi

Michelle Novoa, M.S.

Pediatric Plastic Surgery (Children's Health)

  • Faculty Mentor: James Seaward, M.D.
  • Hometown: Miami, FL
  • Undergraduate: Univ. of Miami FL
  • Medical School: Ponce Health Sciences

Alex Velazquez

Pediatric Plastic Surgery (Children's Health)

  • Faculty Mentor: Paymon Sanati-Mehrizy, M.D.
  • Hometown: Mayagüez, PR
  • Undergraduate: U. Mississippi
  • Medical School: U. Mississippi

Chandler Hinson, MBA, MSc

Reconstructive Plastic Surgery: Trauma/Burn

  • Faculty Mentors: Andrei Odobescu, M.D. / Andrew Zhang, M.D. / Douglas Sammer, M.D.
  • Hometown: Huntsville, AL
  • Undergraduate: Georgetown
  • MSc: London SHTM
  • MBA: George Washington (Healthcare)
  • Medical School: Whiddon (U. South Alabama)