Minnie Stephens Turner: 35 years at UT Southwestern
Minnie Stephens Turner’s first job at UT Southwestern involved posting payments. Now a Claims Analyst in the Medical Sciences, Research and Development Plan office, she has stayed at UTSW for 35 years, she says, because the people she works with “are dedicated to serving our community, and I like that.”
Ms. Turner hopes work colleagues consider her a flexible, approachable employee who is willing to help in any way she can. Her vision for the next 75 years: “Expanding our ability to reach more people in the community, and in a timely manner, will be crucial, I believe. That seems to be where we’re headed,” she says.
Married for more than 30 years, Ms. Turner says her greatest claim to fame is her son, Curtis M. Turner II. “He has grown into a wonderful young man, a mathematics teacher, and someone who is dedicated to helping other youth.”
She likes to travel to different places across the country, visiting family. At some point, she says, she will retire, travel, volunteer, and spend more time with her family.
Until then, she says, life has taught her that “tomorrow is not promised to us. So I want to live and enjoy each day as if it was the last.”