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SPA Certification Program - Cohort 2 Begins September 2024

The application for Cohort 2 is now available through July 12, 2024.  Please visit the SPA Certification Program webpage for complete details.

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Please visit the SPA Regulatory Updates site to stay on top of what's new!


Top Requested Resources

Get Started
Essential onboarding information for new researchers

View the Institutional Fact Sheet
Data frequently requested by sponsors throughout the award life cycle

Explore Prize Opportunities
View eligibility criteria and submission deadlines

Access Research System Tools
Information about and access to login pages for research systems

What We Do

We take a comprehensive approach to help you throughout the award life cycle process.

Paving the Way to Discovery: Basic Science Research, Translational Research, Clinical Research

Sponsored Programs Administration Leadership

Our purpose is to assist you throughout the entire award life cycle with reliability and efficiency.

Megan Marks

Megan G. Marks, Ph.D.

Associate Vice President

Nataliya Samodov

Nataliya Samodov, MBA

Director, Clinical Trial Finance
Interim Director, SPA Finance

Alina Grays, MPA

Assistant Director, Education and Business Process

Jamie Maiden, MBA, MHSM

Assistant Director, Pre-Award Services

Carol Walters

Assistant Director, Compliance & Operations