Announcements and Events
Develop competencies in public speaking and communication in a supportive, fun, and self-paced environment by joining UTSW's Toastmasters chapter. The club is open to employees and students and meets on the second Wednesday and fourth Tuesday of the month from 5:30-6:30 p.m. in Woodview Tower (1349 Empire Central Dr., 8th floor, room LE8.110). To join or visit as a guest, please contact Morgan Block ( Link
The SUCCESS program helps clinical faculty thrive by providing training in the four domains of excellence required for academic promotion: Clinicians, Educators, Scholars, Institutional Citizens.
Register today for the Fall 2024 (FY25) sessions. Link
Housestaff Emerging Academy of Leaders - UTSW Program
HEAL-UTSW is a 6-month program designed to further develop and provide housestaff (residents/fellows) from across the nation with the additional components needed, ideally, for a successful transition into the role of academic faculty. Faculty members of any rank are welcome to participate and join sessions to offer insight to the trainees. Faculty are not required to complete assignments and will not be eligible for the career development award. Link
Clinical Research Accelerator (CRA)
The Accelerator provides Open Programming for individuals who wish to learn more about research at UT Southwestern, alongside structured programs such as the Clinical Researcher Catalyst (CRC) for individuals who are looking to apply for a K-award (or equivalent), and the K to Research Independence program for individuals who have a K-award and are looking to write an R01. Link