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UT Southwestern Medical Center is operating as normal on Wednesday, Feb. 19. Please exercise caution given the extreme cold.

About the IM Residency Program

UT Southwestern's Internal Medicine Residency Program combines superb clinical and research facilities, an internationally respected teaching faculty, and a large and heterogeneous patient population, providing residents with an experience outstanding in every respect.

Internal Medicine Residency Program Overview

Let our residents tell you about the program.

While working as part of a team, the intern is the physician directly responsible for the care of patients on the wards and in the ICU. Interns help formulate the patient’s plan of care, write the orders, and perform the majority of invasive procedures under supervision.

Our interns rapidly become adept at a wide variety of procedures: central line placement, lumbar puncture, and many others. By the end of their first year, house officers are competent to lead a team and to care for even the most critically ill patients.

The resultant sense of patient ownership, the complexity and diversity of our patients, and the excellent mentorship by our faculty, guarantee that every graduate will have mastered the skills required to be an exceptional academician, specialist, or primary care provider.

Three years of residency allow residents to consolidate and reinforce the skills acquired during internship, plus extensive exposure to selected subspecialties,  and time to pursue extracurricular activities.

Curriculum by Year

The residency experience can be loosely grouped into five categories: wards, ICUs, clinics, consults, and electives.

Graphic of Resident Curriculum by Year
Resident Curriculum by Year