Physician Scientist ("2+2") Research Track

UTSW Dermatology has a long-standing history of training and developing physicians who seek a career focused on investigative dermatology. Physician scientists include bench scientists, translational scientists, epidemiologists, computational biologists, clinical researchers, and more.

The goal of the Physician Scientist (“2+2”) Research Track is to provide physician-investigator trainees with the necessary mentorship, protected time, resources, and guidance to launch their independent careers.

Structure of the Dermatology Physician Scientist “2+2” Research Track

The overall structure of the Physician Scientist (“2+2) Research Track is two years of clinical dermatology training (PGY-2, PGY-3) followed by two years of dermatology research training (PGY-4, PGY-5). Trainees sit for the board exam after PGY-4 and serve as an attending physician and junior faculty (Instructor) during PGY-5.

While this structure serves as a standard format, we recognize that each trainee has different training needs and goals. Basic science trainees may opt to extend their post-doctoral laboratory training beyond the two years. Other trainees with more clinical or epidemiologic research goals may benefit from formal coursework or degree programs (e.g. Masters of Science in Clinical Investigation or Masters of Public Health) within their protected research time.

Regardless of each individual’s training plan and exact structure, our goal for all trainees is the same: to support, inspire, and equip individuals to successfully launch their own independent careers in investigative dermatology.

Benefits of the Physician Scientist (“2+2”) Research Track

  • Development of a personalized curriculum focused on an individual trainee’s specific career goals
  • Protected post-doctoral research time in PGY-4 (75% research, 25% clinical)
  • Promotion to faculty “Instructor” in PGY-5 with continued protected time (90% research, 10% clinical)
  • Annual professional development funds for conference attendance, coursework, and/or professional equipment (e.g. computer, software, etc.)
  • Establishment of a formal mentorship team in addition to the post-doctoral mentor
  • Access to career development workshops through the UTSW CTSA program
  • Access to a professional career coach during PGY-5 year
  • Assistance in identifying appropriate grant mechanisms, learning grant-writing strategies, and grant submissions to encourage early extramural funding
  • Participation in physician-investigator social and networking events

Application Process

On ERAS, applicants to UTSW Dermatology have the option to select the traditional three-year track (“Dermatology”, Program Code: 2835080A0) or the “Physician Scientist (“2+2”) Research Track” (Program Code: 2835080A2). Applicants should select only ONE of these tracks based on their top preference.

Like the traditional three-year track, the Physician Scientist (“2+2”) Research Track applications will be reviewed holistically. Strong candidates will have demonstrated achievement in both clinical and academic endeavors. Additionally, Physician Scientist Research Track applications will be reviewed with a special emphasis on prior research experience, publications, and commitment to an investigative career.

For those selected for an interview, the Physician Scientist Research Track interview process will involve the following: interviews with faculty and residents in the department of Dermatology, meetings with selected research faculty, and a formal presentation by the applicant of their prior research. The number of available slots for the Physician Scientist Research Track will vary from year-to-year.