Financing Your Degree
UT Southwestern is one of the most affordable medical schools in the country. In addition, the cost of living in Dallas is lower than many other major cities with medical school programs. In addition to scholarships, we highly encourage students to apply for other types of aid, specifically by filing the FAFSA annually. Our dedicated and knowledgeable staff works directly with students to secure all available funding for their medical education.
If borrowing is necessary, UT Southwestern can help you select the most advantageous and fiscally responsible loan programs. Many out-of-state students are offered a competitive scholarship, which also entitles them to pay tuition at the much lower in-state rate.
Start Early
It’s important to start the financial aid process early. The sooner the better!
- File your FAFSA as early as possible. The earlier you file, the better chance you have of being considered for all types of financial aid.
- Information about financing your medical education
- UT Southwestern’s financial aid FAQs
Additional Questions?
The Office of Student Financial Aid is open from 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The office is located in M2.200 (adjacent to the Bryan Williams, M.D. Student Center). Staff can be contacted by phone (214-648-3611) or email.