The Graduate Medical Education (GME) Department has established the following policies and procedures. For more information, please contact the GME Office.
General Policies
- Alertness Management Fatigue Mitigation
- CAP Policy
- Clinical Training Visas
- Document Standardization and Retention
- Educational Resources Policy
- Educational Resources Policy – Pain Medicine Programs
- Equal Opportunity (ETH-151, 151P-01, 152, 154) [UTSW Login Required]
- General Requirements for UTSW Graduate Medical Education Programs
- GME Program Coordinators
- GME Program Directors
- Harassment (ETH 153 &154) [UTSW Login Required]
- Non-discrimination
- Non-Standard Training Programs
- Prohibition of Restrictive Covenants in Trainee Agreements
- Reduction in Program Size or Program Closure
- Relationships with Vendors
- Resident Recruitment
- Responsibilities of the Graduate Medical Education Committee (GMEC)
- Substantial Disruptions in Patient Care or Education
- Title IX - Harassment
- Technical Standards and Essential Functions for UT Southwestern Graduate Medical Education
Resident Training and Working Environment Policies
- Academic Improvement and Corrective Action Policy
- Clinical and Educational Work Hours
- Effects of Leaves of Absence Policy
- Evaluations
- Grievance and Due Process Policy
- Impaired Resident Physician
- Independent Practice Policy and Application
- Life Support Certification
- Paid Time Off Utilization Policy
- Moonlighting Policy
- Passage of Medical Licensing Examinations
UT Southwestern Applications, Forms, & Procedures
In order to access some these forms listed below, you'll need access to the UT Southwestern Intranet, with a valid UT Southwestern ID and password, where you will be able to view and download them in full.
General Program:
- Certification and Supervision Grids
- Certificate Reprint Procedure
- DEA and Physician Licensure
- Intellectual Property Ownership
- Moonlighting Request Procedure
- Program Letters of Agreement
- Raising Problems and Concerns
- Safe Ride Home Program
- Structured Feedback
- Supervision Grid Template 2022
- UTSW Paid Resident Contract
GMEC & subcommittee:
- Academic Year Changeover
- Accessing Learning Portal
- Adding Faculty to MedHub
- Billing and Payroll Procedure for GME Programs
- How to log into MedHub
- Levels of Supervision
- Naming Convention Procedures
- Recording Absences Process
- Onboarding Package Guide
- Procedure Certification Guide
- User Access
- Updating Usernames
- Workflow Expectations