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Neurocritical Care Research

The Neurocritical Care Section has a robust research portfolio that spans basic science, translational research, and clinical trials. Faculty are engaged in research in several areas including traumatic brain injury, disorders of consciousness, neuromonitoring, pupillometry, brain death, intracranial hemorrhage, ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke, neuromuscular respiratory failure, and status epilepticus.

Neurocritical Care Researchers

Traumatic Brain Injury
Simulation-based Learning
Neurological Manifestations of Systemic Disease
Neuroscience Nursing Research Center (NNRC)

The NNRC is dedicated to empowering nurses and those interested in nursing research to improve outcomes in patients with neurocritical care disorders. Faculty and staff work closely with nurses by guiding idea formulation, protocol development, IRB assistance, funding opportunities, coordination of protocol, statistical support, and publication.

The Neuroscience Nursing Research Center has contributed to almost 200 research publications by nurses in the last decade. The center supports an annual nursing fellowship whereby nurses are mentored through the principal investigator and publication process. Additionally, the center supports several internship programs, including a one-year experience for nursing students to engage in nursing research as well as several summer internship experiences for students who are interested in the medical field.

Learn More about the NNRC