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Structure of Clinical Rotations

Internal Medicine

The Internal Medicine schedule is designed with a firm system and an X+Y 4+1 block schedule. Given the size of UT Southwestern's Internal Medicine Residency Program, residents are divided into five firms. These firms become small, close-knit groups, going through rotations together as well as enjoying multiple program-sponsored wellness outings.

While on Internal Medicine, Med-Peds residents are integrated into the categorical residents' firm system, operating as part of the 4+1 block system. During their clinic week, interns have their continuity clinic at the Parkland Center for Internal Medicine, in which they care for adult patients with complex medical histories and various socioeconomic backgrounds. After their intern year, Med-Peds residents transition to the Med-Peds Clinic to work alongside Med-Peds faculty in caring for both adults and children.

Block Structure

Weeks 1-4
Residents spend the first four weeks of each five-week block on a particular rotation (general wards, critical care unit, medical intensive care unit, etc.). There are no continuity clinics during the four-week rotations, allowing residents more time to concentrate on their inpatient services and plan for their teaching and days off.
Golden Weekend
Between the four-week rotation and the clinic week, residents are guaranteed a free weekend, called the Golden Weekend. Knowing the block schedule ahead of time allows residents to reliably predict when they will have a free weekend and recharge their batteries.
Clinic Week
Residents rotate in their primary care continuity clinic, a half-day of ambulatory didactic teaching, and a half-day of a subspecialty clinic of interest to the resident.

Residents also receive several half-days off during the week to manage administrative tasks, study, rest, and attend to personal business. Residents can also work on research and quality improvement during clinic weeks.
Medicine-Pediatrics Block Schedule: PEDS - Pediatric; MED - Medicine;
pediatric ambulatory experience - adolescent medicine, development/behavior, community pediatrics or elective.


The Pediatrics schedule is also designed as a firm system, but has a slightly different 4+2+2 block schedule. Med-Peds residents are assigned to one of four pediatric firms, and follow the same schedule as the categorical pediatric residents.

Sample Rotation Grid for Medicine Pediatric Residents
Sample Rotation Grid by Year
Sub S = Sub-Specialty, ED = Emergency Department, Elec = Elective, Res = Research, Geri = Geriatrics

Block Structure

Inpatient residents rotate in inpatient, PICU, NICU, and emergency care, in two- and four-week blocks, for six weeks, followed by a two-week ambulatory clinic. Ambulatory Clinic with a two-week ambulatory clinic block every six weeks. During these two-week ambulatory blocks, residents attend eight half-days of continuity clinic and spend the rest of their time in longitudinal ambulatory experiences including adolescent medicine, development/behavior, and advocacy/community pediatrics.

During their intern year, residents attend pediatric continuity clinic at the Children’s Health Medical Group, where they see a variety of pediatric patients alongside categorical pediatric residents.