Rheumatology Fellowship
The rheumatology fellowship program is designed to provide a comprehensive experience for persons interested in careers in academic and clinical rheumatology. We provide clinical training in outpatient clinics and inpatient consultation services at William P. Clements University Hospital, Parkland Health & Hospital System, Zale Lipshy Pavilion—William P. Clements Jr. University Hospital, and the Dallas Veterans Affairs Medical Center. These sites provide fellows-in-training with exposure to both a diverse patient population and a vast array of rheumatic diseases.
Clinical training requirements are met in the two years of the fellowship program. Training in musculoskeletal ultrasound is an important part of the fellowship and available to all trainees.
In addition to our strong clinical program, our fellowship program offers the opportunity for patient-oriented research and in-depth research in molecular biology and cellular immunology.
We offer a formal mentoring program for fellows that includes an individualized approach to identifying personal goals, career trajectory, and career development opportunities.
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