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About Us

The UTSW Neuroanesthesia Fellowship is a 12-month program designed to train anesthesiologists in the subspecialty of neurosurgical anesthesiology. The curriculum includes training in operative neurosurgical anesthesiology, neurocritical care, intraoperative neuromonitoring, neurology/stroke medicine, vascular neurosonology, and neuroradiology.  The fellowship is accredited through the ICPNT.  UTSW is a high-volume neurosurgical center with over 4000 cases/year encompassing cranial neurosurgery and spinal surgery. 

The goal of the fellowship is to create academically viable neuroanesthesiologists to care for a complex and growing population of neurosurgical patients. A 24-month program combining Neuroanesthesiology and Neurocritical Care Training is available for those applicants interested in becoming Certified Neurointensivists through an ACGME-Accredited Neurocritical Care Program. 

Our People:

Leadership rosters: 

David McDonagh, M.D.

Program Director, Vice Chair University Hospital Operations

Ulrike Hoffmann, M.D., P.h.D.

Associate Program Director