AIRC Core Facilities

Human MRI Core Facility
The Advanced Imaging Research Center (AIRC) Human MRI Core is dedicated to advancing MR technology for the basic understanding and treatment of a wide range of human diseases in collaboration with researchers at UT Southwestern and surrounding areas. To provide high quality research data, our facility uses higher field strengths, advanced imaging techniques, faster gradients, improved coil technology, and more robust sequence protocols to take diagnostic and treatment protocols from the research setting to the clinical setting. The AIRC Human MRI Core is equipped with whole-body 3T and 7T scanners, a clinical polarizer, as well as a mock scanner and support rooms including a procedure room, exam room, and interview/practice rooms. The facility provides technical (i.e., data acquisition/analysis, protocol development) and nursing support to whole-body 3T and 7T scanners.
Major Equipment

- 3T Siemens Prisma MR system (3TA)
- 3T Philips Achieva MR system (3TB)
- 3T GE Discovery 750w MR system (3TC)
- 7T Philips Achieva MR system
- GE 5T SPINlab clinical polarizer
How-To Guide
Discuss your research idea with Binu Thomas, Ph.D. via
Submit your project to the UT Southwestern Institutional Review Board (IRB). In parallel, submit an AIRC Application for Research with Humans for New 3T or 7T Projects to Corey Mozingo via for protocol review by the Protocol Review Committee (PRC).
Assure that all personnel in the research team have applicable training for their work in the AIRC. This should include registering the PI and all research team members requiring access to the AIRC facility for MR Safety Training/AIRC Orientation. Contact Leticia Lopez via for more information.
- Fee Structure
Service or Instrument Internal UT System Price External Price Commercial Price Notes Human MRI - Full-Service Mode/per hour $579.15 $1,158.30 $1,737.45 Scan time plus 15 min for setup and data transfer; extra 15 min for complex setups or large amounts of data; minimum use 30 min; operator training and safety training falls into this service line. Includes service of one MR Technologist. Human MRI - Self-Service Mode/per hour $441.25 $882.50 $1,323.75 Scan time plus 15 min for setup and data transfer; minimum use 30 min. Restricted to scan time blocks without MR Tech coverage. Technical Development Mode/per hour $275.78 $551.56 $827.34 Scan time plus 15 min for setup and data transfer; minimum use 30 min. Must schedule all scanner use. Failure to schedule scanner may result in loss of operator privilege. This rate must be approved by director. Cancellations/per hour of scheduled time Applicable Applicable Applicable Cancellations under 48 hours, no show, and aborted scans for claustrophobia, failed MR screen, etc., charged at the full rate of the scheduled service mode. Fee waived if another team can use the scanner. No fee applies for cancellations related to equipment malfunction. Nursing and Additional Technologist/per person per hour $88.22 $176.44 $264.66 Minimum 30 min. Study Coordinator/per hour $51.50 $103.00 $154.50 Minimum 30 min. Recruiting, screening, scheduling, consenting, etc. Laboratory Services/per hour $51.50 $103.00 $154.50 Sample processing, transfer, storage Physician Services/per hour $220.63 $441.26 $661.89 Minimum 15 min. Includes MD contrast agent coverage and other physician oversight. MR Physics Support/per hour $88.22 $176.44 $264.66 SPINLab operation and sequence development service MRI Data Analysis Service/per hour $118.97 $237.94 $356.91 Analysis of anatomical, functional, perfusion MRI & MR spectroscopy Pharmacist Support for Hyperpolarization (HP)/per hour $108.15 $216.30 $324.45 Filling of HP fluid paths for human subjects Single Phlebotomy/flat rate $33.09 $66.18 $99.27 Tubes and processing not included. Single EKG/flat rate $33.09 $66.18 $99.27 Physician interpretation not included. Gadolinium Contrast/per vial/flat rate $57.00 $114.00 $171.00 Includes 1 vial gadolinium and necessary supplies. Per market cost. IV Start/flat fee $41.11 $88.22 $132.33 Gas Inhalation Study/flat rate $55.16 $110.32 $165.48 Includes material supplies and gas. Fluid Path for Human HP Studies/Bundle flat rate $2276.30 $4552.60 $6828.90 Fluid Path for Animal HP Studies - Full-Service/Bundle flat rate $252.35 $504.70 $757.05 Fluid Path for Animal HP Studies - Self-Service/flat rate $195.70 $391.40 $587.10 Recharge Items/per market cost Applicable Applicable Applicable Typical recharge items include gadolinium, pyruvate, glucose gel, medical, and other supplies.
Corey Mozingo, R.T., Manager, Human MRI Core Facility & Clinical Research
Binu Thomas, Ph.D., Assistant Professor
Pre-Clinical Imaging Core Facility
The Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (RP210099) supports the AIRC Pre-Clinical MRI Core and provides pay per use, state-of-the-art pre-clinical MRI services for investigators at UT Southwestern and other campuses in the Dallas area. The Pre-Clinical Imaging Core provides the following services:
- Conduct MRI experiments on small animal models
- Analyze image data
- Establish MRI protocols
- Develop and implement new imaging and analysis methods
- Train MR operations
- Collaborate on research grants
Major Equipment
The renovated Pre-Clinical Imaging Core installed state-of-the-art MRI scanners in 2023. All scanners feature a broadband transmitter/receiver channel supporting 1H and X-nuclei (19F, 13C, 31P, 23Na, 129Xe) MRI/MRS with 1H decoupling, up to third-order shims, and RF interface adapter for third-party or home-built RF coils.

- Specification: diameter: 10.5 cm, gradient strength: 450 mT/m, slew rate: 4200 m/T/s
- RF coils: transmit/receive 72 mm quad volume, transmit/receive 40 mm quad volume, transmit/receive 23 mm quad volume, transmit/receive 1H/13C dual resonant 40 mm quad, receive only 1H/13C dual resonant 20 mm linear surface

- Specification: Polarize 6.7T SpinAligner: preclinical polarizer

- Specification: diameter: 11.4 cm, gradient strength: 440 mT/m, slew rate: 3440 m/T/s
- RF coils: transmit/receive 86 mm quad volume, transmit/receive 72 mm quad volume, transmit/receive 40 mm quad volume, receive only 10 mm linear surface, receive only 20 mm linear surface, receive only 30 mm linear surface, receive only 4x4 surface array

- Specification: PET insert Si 103 (3-ring for whole mouse and rat head applications)

- Specification: diameter: 11.4 cm, default gradient strength: 660 mT/m, slew rate: 4570 m/T/s, gradient insert strength 1000 mT/m and slew rate: 9000 m/T/s
- RF coils: MRI CryoProbe™, cryogenically cooled, anatomically shaped 2x2 receive only coil for mouse/rat head applications
How-To Guide
- Submission of a Project Application: In the application, please provide a detailed description of the types of MRI scans to be performed, including relevant imaging parameters. If replicating a published study, please provide a reference. If it is not a routine protocol, the core may require additional time to develop a scan protocol for your specific study. After reviewing the Project Application, the core will contact you to discuss your MRI protocol, including the feasibility of the project, need for new developments (if any), revisions to the proposed MRI methods, scan time, number of animals, timeline of implementation, etc.
Project Application Form - Animal Protocol: Make sure your IACUC protocol includes MR imaging. The Core has its own protocol in which relevant imaging methods are stated.
- 2016-101756 core - mice
- 2016-101762 core - rat
- Operator training: We offer training for the operation of MRI scanners for those who wish to conduct MRI experiments by themselves. The fees for self-operated scans are substantially less than that for the staff-operated scans.
- Reservations: After confirming the MRI protocol, reserve time on the appropriate equipment on days/times as directed by the core. All scanner reservations are made on iLabs. If you do not have an iLab account, please follow the guide to registering for an iLab account. Go to Pre-Clinical MRI Research core on iLab following the link below and reserve time on the appropriate scanner using your lab’s credentials. Please see the guide to making reservations on the iLab and click on “MRI” and then on the equipment (e.g., “7T Bruker”).
- Animal Transfer: Request ARC to transfer the mice to NE2.526. Transfer the animals at least 3 days prior to the date you book the scanner.
- Fee Structure
Service or Instrument Hourly/Flat Internal External Commercial 1 Staff-operated scans / hr Hourly $209.59 $419.18 $628.77 2 Self-operated scans weekday peak hrs (8 am – 6 pm) Hourly $132.38 $264.76 $397.14 3 Self-operated scans weekday off peak hours & weekend Hourly $110.31 $220.62 $330.93 4 Self-operated scans overnight (10 pm – 8 am) Flat $330.94 $661.88 $992.82 5 Operating training Hourly $209.59 $419.18 $628.77 6 Method protocol development Hourly $55.16 $110.32 $165.48 7 Data analysis service / hr Hourly $132.38 $264.76 $397.14 8 Cannulations and terminal surgical procedures Flat $110.31 $220.62 $330.93 9 Hypolarizer (SpinAligner) / day Flat $220.63 $441.26 $661.89 10 Cryoprobe (9.4T Bruker) / day Flat $55.16 $110.32 $165.48 11 PET insert / day Flat $108.15 $216.30 $324.45
Janaka Wansapura, Ph.D., Associate Professor
NMR Metabolomics Core Facility
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (NMR), an informative analytical technique, proves ideal for metabolomics research. The AIRC NMR Metabolomics Core offers both targeted and non-targeted metabolomics approaches. Non-targeted analyses of metabolites are primarily for researching biochemical networks and undiscovered metabolic pathways, while targeted analyses of established metabolite sets benefit in early disease diagnosis or therapy response monitoring. The NMR Metabolomics Core also provides NMR-based stable isotope-resolved metabolomics (SIRM) using 13C and 2H labelled tracers, an approach that analyzes the metabolic fate of individual atoms from stable isotope-enriched precursors to products.
The core delivers all NMR-related metabolomics services on cells, perfused organs, animal tissues, human biopsies, and bodily fluids. The NMR metabolomics core offers NMR spectroscopy service of the following samples:
- Cells extract/cell secretions (media)
- Extracts from perfused isolated organs
- Animal tissue extracts and biofluids
- Human biopsy extracts and body fluids
- In-silico methods for metabolic flux analyses
- Contrast-agent development
Major Equipment

- Three 600 MHz vertical bore high resolution NMR spectrometers – available probes: 3 mm and 5 mm broad band, 3 mm inverse detect probes, a 5 mm cryoprobe (13C only)
- 400 MHz vertical bore walk up NMR spectrometer for chemistry applications – available probes: a 5 mm broadband probe auto tunable to 19F, 13C, 31P, 17O and 15N
How-To Guide Qiong Wu for training and user access.
- Fee Structure
Hourly/Flat Internal External Commercial Notes 1 NMR 400 MHz – instrument time Hourly $25.00 $40.00 $60.00 2 NMR 600 MHz room temperature I – instrument time Hourly $25.00 $40.00 $60.00 3 NMR 600 MHz room temperature II – instrument time Hourly $25.00 $40.00 $60.00 4 NMR 600 MHz cryo-probe – instrument time Hourly $25.00 $40.00 $40.00 5 NMR Sample Preparation Service Hourly $60.00 $120.00 $180.00 newly introduced service 6 NMR Data Acquisition Service – protocol setup Hourly $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 in addition to scan time 7 NMR Data Analysis Service Hourly $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 newly introduced service
NMR Metabolomics Core Contact:
Qiong Wu, Ph.D., Core Manager
Other AIRC Research Infrastructure
AIRC Chemistry Lab

The chemistry lab at the AIRC occupies one large, open room containing 12 chemistry benches, 12 vacuum hoods, and 24 desks for students and technicians. We equipped the chemistry lab with standard equipment for synthetic and analytical chemistry. Major equipment include:
- Waters Alliance LC system coupled to Waters Xevo QtofMS
- Waters Delta Prep preparative chromatography
- Lyophilizer
- Rotavaps
- Hotplates
- Vacuum pumps
- Centrifuges
- pH meters, relaxometers