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UT Southwestern Coach Certificate Program

The International Coaching Federation accredited UT Southwestern Coach Certificate Program (UCCP) is a 10-month intensive program:

  • 52 hours of in-person core learning
  • 8 live 90-minute online learning sessions
  • 3 hours of mentor coaching
  • 3 recorded coaching observations
  • 15 hours of coaching experience
  • A final performance evaluation

Program completion provides the education necessary for cohort members to apply to be an International Coaching Federation (ICF) Associate Certified Coach (ACC) and to be recognized as a UT Southwestern Certified Professional Coach (CPC).

How to Apply

Alumni: Coaching Community

After completing the UTSW CCP, faculty can continue to learn and grow through our Faculty Coach Community of Practice, a monthly virtual meeting to refresh skills, learn new more advanced skills, and support and grow together.

UT Southwestern Certified Peer Coaches (UT CPC)

To earn the credential of UTSW CPC and offer coaching professionally as a UTSW credentialed peer coach, peer coaches must complete all the learning modules of the UTSW CCP, the required mentor coaching hours, at least 15 hours of individual client coaching, and pass a performance evaluation. To remain a UTSW CPC, peer coaches must provide 10 hours of individual client coaching as well as receive a minimum of four additional coaching learning hours.

Meet the UTSW CPCs