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Thrive Newsletter Articles

Home can still be a place of adventure


Prior to writing this blog, I had every intention of discussing the various ways to keep your summer exciting while spending time with your children. Rest assured, I will still cover those ideas. However, during my search for fun activities, my son reminded me of the little things we can do around the house that have a significant impact on his life—and I'm certain they will for yours as well.

Faculty Wellness Retreat Keynote Video


The Office of Faculty Wellness hosted its inaugural Faculty Wellness Retreat, June 9, 2023. Keynote speaker Stephen Swensen, M.D., shared his insights on building camaraderie, agency, and coherence for high-value results in healthcare.

Build Your Mental Fitness with a Coach


Mental Health Awareness is not just about supporting those who are suffering but also about building mental and emotional fitness. A coach is like a personal trainer who helps clients develop self-awareness, resiliency, stress-management, mindset, and motivation. Coaching is about guiding people to "do the reps" of looking inward, noticing patterns, setting intentions, and making choices. Coaching is a valuable tool for building mental fitness and UT Southwestern faculty has direct access to a professionally trained coach, free of charge.

Who are you behind the white coat?


I often ask my clients “who are you” and “who do you want to be…” I ask this question with the understanding that life can shift who we are and how we show up to the world and how we show up to our responsibilities and not to mention how we show up to the expectations others have placed on us.

Confessions of a Former Procrastinator


I admit it, I’m a recovering procrastinator. This tendency used to get in my way much more than it does today. How did I overcome it? First, I stopped labeling myself a procrastinator. Obviously, I can get stuff done or I wouldn’t be where I am. Second, I developed some strategies and new habits that took root and have helped me become more productive over time. The key to overcoming procrastination is learning to just start. No more than that - just start. That, plus a habit around keeping and organizing notes and you’ll be on your way to overcoming procrastination.

Break the Habit of Procrastination


If you are a procrastinator, you’re not alone. Procrastination is a common problem that affects almost everyone at some point in their lives. By evaluating your current habits and behaviors, and taking the time to identify the source of the problem, you can begin to create a plan of action to break the habit.

Love begins with yourself


“Love makes the world go round, so the saying goes. Often, it’s associated with romance, passion, and grand gestures to the person who makes our heart go a-thumpin’. Little do we realize that for the world to truly go ‘round, love begins with oneself (or it should, anyway).” -- Tatiana Azman

Relationships are everything at UT Southwestern


Relationships are at the heart of everything we do at UT Southwestern. In fact, we can see UT Southwestern Medical Center as nothing more than a rich and complex set of relationships among a diverse collection of people. As such, these relationships require focus and attention, starting with recognizing that relationship work is different than task work. That recognition allows you to invest some of your precious time and energy into the work of building high functioning relationships through trust and clear agreements. For a deeper dive, check out this month’s blog post on the topic.

Reflect & Celebrate Personal Growth


This time of year is a great opportunity to be intentional about how you’re growing as a professional and as a person. A helpful framework to guide you is Pause, Reflect, Learn, and Celebrate. Take a Pause, whether for a vacation or just for a single moment. Reflect on your life and your state of being. Learn from the insights you uncover and Celebrate who you are. It’s a simple formula for personal growth and the end of a calendar year is a great time to step back and take stock.

New Year, Same Me ... And that's OK


Ahhhh ... This is the permission you did not know you needed to relax, breath, and exhale. We have finally made it to the end of the year. For some, the last month of the year can mean reflections and accomplishments and for others it may mean change and new beginnings are ahead of us. Whatever that season looks like for you, remember you are the captain of your own ship. Where you are currently, is exactly where you need to be.