About Us


The Clinical Informatics Center leverages the knowledge from research and experience in biomedical informatics, data sciences, social sciences, clinical sciences and other domains for the generation of informatics-based products or services to improve quality and safety, the efficiency of patient care, and the health of people in general.


The Clinical Informatics Center will become known as the leader in developing, implementing, and evaluating effective and efficient Clinical Informatics solutions for those in healthcare and the people/patients that they serve.


Katherine C. Flannery
Contact: Email


Jyoti Balani, M.D. 

Mujeeb Basit, M.D., MMSc 

Timothy Brannon, M.D., M.S. 

Travis Browning, M.D. 

Ling Chu, M.D. 

Lawson Copley, M.D. 

Emily Flahaven, MSN, RN-B

Amy Hughes, Ph.D. 

Jeannie Kwon, M.D. 

Hung Luu, M.D., Pharm.D.

Katherine Maddox, M.D.

Samuel McDonald, M.D.. M.S. 

Yee Seng Ng, M.D. 

Ellen O'Connell, M.D.

Ambarish Pandey, M.D.

Jason Park, M.D., Ph.D. 

Ron Peshock, M.D. 

Justin Rousseau, M.D., MMSc

Joe Schneider, M.D. 

Seth Toomay, M.D. 

Robert Turer, M.D., M.S.

Yang Xie, Ph.D. 

DuWayne Willet, M.D., M.S. 

External Members

Brett Moran, M.D. 

Marion Ball, Ed.D. 

Ferdinand Velasco, M.D. 

Trainee Members

Andrew Bain, M.D. (Clinical Informatics Fellow) 

Ashish Chowdary (Medical Student) 

Shao-Po Huang (Medical Student) 

Tanvi Ingle (Medical Student) 

Derek Ngai, M.D. (Clinical Informatics Fellow) 

Madeline Ngo (Medical Student) 

Sherry Parker (Medical Student) 

Rahul Pentaparthi (Medical Student) 

Shuda Xia (Medical Student) 

Ben Wang (Medical Student) 

Janet Webb, M.D. (Clinical Informatics Fellow)

Jenny Weon, M.D., Ph.D. (Clinical Informatics Fellow) 

Alex Wu (Medical Student) 

Research Staff

Mohamed Ali, Ph.D.

Lauren Cooper

Marlon Diaz

Yaser El-Nakieb, Ph.D.

Kelsea Marble

Mereeja Varghese