Wander no more

Workers install a new pedestrian wayfinding sign on McDermott Plaza.

Maybe you’ve seen it – visitors, patients, friends and staff wandering around campus making their way to the next appointment. Navigating a campus of over 14 million square feet can be challenging – but UTSW Facilities Management has recently installed new pedestrian wayfinding signs throughout South Campus to help everyone navigate easily.

This impactful campus wide project, which is a major part of President Dr. Daniel K. Podolsky’s six-year strategic plan, continues through next week. As stated in the plan: “The ability to navigate successfully to and through our facilities is critical for our patients, visitors, and staff. Wayfinding is a key component to making a lasting impression and should be a priority in our effort to improve the UT Southwestern patient experience.”

To do this, the Facilities Planning Design and Construction team, led by Gena English, Director of Planning, Design, and Construction, collaborated with the Institutional Design and Branding Committee chaired by Dr. Marc Nivet, Executive Vice President for Institutional Affairs. Project Managers Edwin Montes and Rob Lamb saw the project through to completion.

The ongoing project:

  • Placed additional exterior pedestrian signage on campus to improve flow between buildings, complimenting the interior wayfinding standards throughout the campus.
  • Plans to extend the updated external pedestrian wayfinding model to North, East, and West campus’ will continue throughout the calendar year with anticipated completion by early 2021.

“The collaborations that developed over the past several months to see this project through are a testament to the teamwork that continues to make UT Southwestern a destination for scholars and patients alike,” Mr. Montes said. “We are proud of the mark this project is making and look forward to many more improvements in the future.”