Fall into Naturally Slim, application closes Sept. 13
Did you know the Naturally Slim program isn’t just about learning the right way to eat your favorite foods? You’ll build lifelong, healthy habits that will help you lose weight, feel fantastic, and reduce your risk of developing chronic conditions like Type 2 diabetes and heart disease. The program also teaches you how to get a great night’s sleep, curb mindless snacking, and move more while hitting the gym less.
Naturally Slim starts Sept. 30, and the application is open Sept. 3-13. Apply and participate at no cost for all UT SELECT and UT CONNECT medical plan members age 18 and above, including employees, retirees, spouses, and dependents who have not participated in the last 12 months.
Since Naturally Slim is online and video-based, you can complete it using any internet-connected device, including your smartphone.