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PI Portal

Whether you are just joining UT Southwestern Medical Center or pursuing your research at another institution, Sponsored Programs Administration is committed to providing guidance and making your transition a smooth one.  Please reference the following resources and links to other departments across campus that are integral to your success.

Financial Reports - Quick Steps

  • Current Award Balances and Expenditures

    To access current award balances and view expenditures, follow these steps:

    1. Sign in to PeopleSoft, and go to Employee Self Service.
    2. Click the compass icon in the upper right corner.
    3. Select Menu.
    4. Select Financials Supply Chain.
    5. Select Commitment Control.
    6. Select Review Budget Activities.
    7. Select Budgets Overview.
    8. Click the Find an Existing Value tab.
    9. Click Search, and follow the onscreen instructions.
  • How to Access, Upload Signed Financial Report, and Complete PI Assurance

    The SPA Financial Analysis Manager will submit reports for PI review in eGrants. The PI receives an eGrants-generated email with a link to the financial report.

    1. Click the link to the financial report, then log in to eGrants when prompted.
    2. Navigate to the Current State column on the left side of the screen.
    3. Current State is Financial Rpt: PI Response Pending
    4. Click View Financial Report
    5. On the next screen refer to the section titled “Unsigned Financial Report PDF.” You will find the unsigned financial report.
    6. Open file, review, and sign report. Electronic signatures are acceptable.
    7. PI-Signed Financial Report PDF of the Financial Reporting Workspace:
      1. Click Add, then upload the signed Financial Report.
      2. Submit PI-Signed Financial Report to complete the “Execute ‘Submit PI-Signed Financial Report”. The status will not change unless the PI-signed report is uploaded in PI-Signed Financial Reporting workspace.
    8. Click the “I have confirmed the above certification” radio button/box. Note: Only the PI can complete this task Comments or questions for your SPA Financial Reporter can be added in the comments box.
    9. Click OK.
    10. Cick Logoff in the drop-down menu next to your name.

    The financial report will now route to the SPA financial officer for approval and submission to sponsor.

Research Resources

Animal Resource Center (ARC)

Animal Resource Center is responsible for procuring and providing veterinary care and facilities to all animals. In partnership with the Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC), the ARC helps ensure compliance with federal regulations, funding agencies’ policies, and state and local regulations regarding the care and use of animals.

Visit the ARC training page for additional information and requirements.

(On-campus network or VPN required to access above links.)

Conflict of Interest (COI)

UT Southwestern’s Conflict of Interest policies enhance UT Southwestern employees’ ability to act ethically under the values, applicable laws, rules, UT Southwestern policies, and The University of Texas System (UT System).

You will need to complete the conflict of interest Statement of Financial Interests form online through the COI Info Portal platform and update your entry annually. Financial interests can include:

  • Ownership in a company
  • Stock and stock options
  • Pay from outside UT Southwestern
  • Royalties from outside UT Southwestern
  • Gifts from outside UT Southwestern
  • Pay for spouses or family members

(On-campus network or VPN required to access above links.)

Export Controls

The Export Control Office (on-campus network or VPN required to access) is responsible for ensuring that UT Southwestern is compliant with various export control regulations as required by the U.S. Department of Commerce, Department of State, Department of Treasury, and other federal agencies.

As part of this responsibility, the Export Control Office screens:

  • International shipments through eShipGlobal
  • Outside activities and employment for UTSW employees and faculty
  • International travel authorizations submitted in PeopleSoft
  • International visiting scientists, students, and postdoctoral fellows

Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC)

The Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (on-campus network or VPN required to access) is a committee of scientists, veterinarians, nonscientists, and community members who oversee animal research subjects’ welfare and humane treatment under Public Health Service (PHS) policy and the Animal Welfare Act.

All research projects conducted by faculty, students, or UT Southwestern Medical Center employees that involve live vertebrate animals require prior review and approval by the IACUC.

Human Research Protection Program (HRPP)

The Institutional Review Board (IRB) (on-campus network or VPN required to access) within Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) at UT Southwestern Medical Center reviews and approves research involving human subjects that is conducted at:

The Board must also review and approve all research supported by grants and contracts involving human subjects conducted at Texas Health Resources and the Dallas VA Medical Center. A member of the faculty at UT Southwestern serves as principal investigator. As a new faculty member, if you will initiate new research or transfer research from your previous institution, please visit the Institutional Review Board (on-campus network or VPN required to access) for more information.

Office of Clinical Research Personnel (OCRP)

Training is required for UT Southwestern research personnel listed on your eIRB study, Human Subject Protection (HSP), HIPAA Research and Conflict of Interest (COI), and Good Clinical Practices (GCP). Please visit the Office of Clinical Research Personnel (on-campus network or VPN required to access) for additional information.

UTSW Library

The UTSW Library offers assistance with resources for finding grants, NIH Public Access Policies, and assigning PMCIDs to NIH-funded articles. Librarians offer training sessions via to assist researchers and faculty with proposal development and grant writing for NIH and other funding agencies.

View the Library’s catalog of grant-related resources and resources for grant writing.

Safety and Business Continuity

There are several types of safety programs within Safety and Business Continuity (on-campus network or VPN required to access). For information regarding the services and safety programs available, visit the web pages listed below.

Also, view the Safety Training Schedule (on-campus network or VPN required to access) for classes and enroll through Taleo Learn.