Research Security

What is Research Security?

Research Security is the set of principles and actions that safeguard the research enterprise against the misappropriation of research and development to the detriment of national or economic security, related violations of research integrity, and foreign government interference.

The federal government recently issued the National Security Presidential Memorandum 33 (NSPM-33) which requires all federal research funding agencies to strengthen protections of U.S. Government-supported Research and Development (R&D) from foreign influence and intellectual property theft.  This madate requires all federal research funding agencies to standardize disclosure requirements for federally funded awards.  It also requires the establishment of Research Security Programs (RSP) at research institutions receiving more than $50 million per year in federal research funding.


How is UTSW preparing for the implementation of Research Security?

UT Southwestern is committed to the highest standards of integrity and regulatory compliance in safeguarding its research portfolio.  UT Southwestern appointed Rhonda Oilepo, Associate Vice President of Research Regulatory Affairs, as Research Security Officer (RSO).  The RSO, with support from the Office of Research Support and Regulatory Management, has established a Research Security Steering Committee (RSSC) that will facilitate the implementation of the federal and state requirements related to research security.

To ensure a comprehensive approach, the group includes members from Research Support and Regulatory Management (including Conflict of Interest and Export Control), Human Research Protection Program, Legal Affairs, Institutional Compliance, Information Security, Information Resources - Research and Academic Services, Sponsored Programs Administration, Office for Technology Development, and Research Integrity.

The Research Security Steering Committee will ensure that investigators and academic units have the relevant information regarding the rapidly changing landscape for international activities and research security.


What are the key areas in Research Security?

OSTP released a guidance document for the implementation of the research security requirements with the goal of providing clear and effective measurements for ensuring compliance and researcher responsibilities.  The document includes detailed guidance in five key areas that agencies should apply across their implementation efforts.

  • Disclosure Requirements and Standardization
  • Digital Persistent Identifiers (DPIs)
  • Consequences for Violation of Disclosure Requirements
  • Information Sharing
  • Research Security Programs

The Research Security Program must address the below four required elements:

  1. Cybersecurity
  2. Foreign Travel Security
  3. Research Security Training
  4. Export Control Training


Certification Requirement

All research institutions receiving more than $50 million per year in federal research funding must certify that they maintain a RSP that meets the research security requirements. It is expected that the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) Subcommittee on Research Security will provide additional details on a system for U.S. government collection of certifications from covered institutions.


Contact Us

The UTSW Research Security Office may be contacted at