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Ongoing Learning Opportunities

These learning opportunities are open to all research personnel at institutions affiliated with the CTSA Program at UT Southwestern.

Clinical & Translational Science Forum

    • Grand Rounds for clinical and translational researchers
    • Presentations by students and scholars
    • Will resume Fall 2024: Thursdays 12:15p.m.-1:15 pm

Special Clinical and Translational Science Forum Featuring Dr. Sid O'Bryant

UTSW/TAMU CTSA Program Collaborative Seminar Series

These are bimonthly seminars where UTSW researchers and TAMU-CVMBS clinical scientists connect and share their research highlights to advance the concept of One Health.

Each webinar in this series, “Opportunities in Translational Research,” highlights one UTSW and one TAMU-CVMBS researcher sharing their approach to a single research topic and discussing ways the two institutions can focus on One Health through such collaborations.

One Health Day

Each fall, One Health Day features a TAMU CVMBS speaker who addresses large scale health problems that span human, animal, and environmental health.

The most recent presentation by Kate E. Creevy, DVM, MS, DACVIM, Professor of Small Animal Internal Medicine at TAMU-CVMBS focused on how studying aging patterns in dogs can be translated to advances in human medicine. Dr. Creevy is Chief Veterinary Officer of the NIH-funded Dog Aging Project.

Get more information about One Health and the NIH NCATS commitment to One Health.

COHA Translational Research Fellowships | COHA

Community Engagement Grand Rounds

Community Engagement Grand Rounds provide educational opportunities demonstrating best practices for the integration of community engagement activities into research to build sustained, community-academic partnerships.

Clinical Informatics Research Colloquium

The Clinical Informatics Center at UT Southwestern hosts the Clinical Informatics Research Colloquium to highlight the great work done at UT Southwestern in the clinical informatics space.

Upcoming Events

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