Rendering of frontal mouse brain section Mouse brain; frontal sectioning. 3-color dataset was acquired on Zeiss LSM980 with AiryScan2 and AI sample finder; Objective: Plan-Apochromat 25x/0.8 oil immersion. Top: Overview. Right side: raw data, Middle: raw data + overlay; Left: overlay - Imaris spot detection for red/blue channels and surface detection for green channel. Bottom: zoom-in. Image properties: 735 stitched tiles; pixel size: 0.124 x 0.124 µm; image dimensions: 76,822px x 46,842 px; total # of pixels: 3,598,496,124; scan time: ~40 minutes with AiryScan2 in fast confocal 8Y; file size: ~ 27Gb. Image rendering Imaris 10.2.0. Credit: Chad Smith, Monson lab .
U2OS expressing lifeact Live U2OS cells expressing mNeonGreen-Lifeact labeled F-actin. Comparison of TIR-FM and TIR-FM with SIM (structured illumination). GE OMX SR, TIRF and TIRF-SIM; 60x/1.42NA; Credit: Runwen Yao.
Murine Femur Section Femur of a young adult mouse injected with EdU. Frozen bone section was stained with a Click-it EdU 488 imaging kit and anti-Aggrecan antibody (visualized with CF555). Section was mounted with ProLong Gold antifade in DAPI buffer and imaged on a Nikon CSU-W1 spinning disk confocal. Cropped and down-sampled view from a larger 15x5 stitched image. Objective: 20x/0.75NA. Credit Jingzhu Zhang
Mouse nodose ganglion Fixed mouse nodose ganglion labeled with multiplex RNAscope for Phox2b (Opal 570), Cck1r (Opal 520) and DAPI (blue). Zeiss LSM880 AiryScan, 63x/1.4NA. PMID: 34605820; Credit Laurent Gautron
Cos-7 cells Cos-7 cells labelled for clathrin light chain (Alexa488), AP2 (Alexa561), Dapi, and actin (phalloidin-Alexa640); Nikon TI widefield, 100x/1.45NA. Credit: Marcel Mettlen
Photoconversion of PSmOrange U2OS were transfected with DNA coding for H2B-PSmOrange. Cells were then imaged using a Nikon CSU-W1 with FRAP module. PSmOrange was converted by 488nm light from red to far-red (using a binarized Mona Lisa as ROI). Objective: 100x; 1.45NA; Credits: Marcel Mettlen (imaging) and Etai Sapoznik (Fiolka lab, UTSW) for kindly providing these cells.
Object-based colocalization Object-based colocalization with Imaris; ARPE cells expressing eGFP-clathrin light chain, mRuby3-AP2 and stained with Dapi and phalloidin-Alexa647. Single wide-field image was used for projection and detection of objects. Blue: volume-rendered nucleus and clathrin structures within a distance of 2 µm. Small gray spheres: non-colocalizing clathrin spots. Red/green: clathrin colocalizing with AP2. Credit: Marcel Mettlen
Blastoid Bovine blastoids assembled by trophoblast stem cells and expanded potential stem cells. Stained for epiblast marker SOX2, hypoblast marker SOX17 and trophectoderm marker (CDX2). Acquired on a Nikon CSU-W1 spinning-disk super resolution by optical pixel reassignment (SoRa) confocal microscope. 60x/1.4NA; Credit Carlos A. Pinzón Arteaga
DNA paint These images showcase super-resolution imaging via DNA origami of various patterns. Comparison between TIR-FM and DNA-PAINT imaging techniques using the GE OMX SR microscope. 60x/1.49NA TIRF objective. Credit: Runwen Yao.
Mouse heart section Mouse heart section labeled with Actinin 2(Alexa488), actin (Rhodamin Phalloidin), and mounted with ProLong Gold antifade. Tissue was imaged with Nikon CSU-W1 spinning disk and SoRa super-resolution module. 2.8 x 100x/1.45NA objective. Credit Eunyong Lee and Marcel Mettlen.
Normal - vs. SoRa super-resolution Campylobacter jejuni stained with FM464. Sample was imaged with Nikon CSU-W1 spinning disk and SoRa super-resolution module. (2.8 x) 100x/1.45NA objective. Sample prepared by Angela Freeman and imaged by Marcel Mettlen..