Microscopy & Rulers
Users of the Histo Pathology Core's services are welcome to use the Core's Microscopy Facilities. Email the Core Operations Manager to be added to the Microscope Users Group. Once added to the user group, you will have access to the Core's Imaging Calendar through Outlook. Instructions for the Core's Compound Microscope, as well as the camera systems, can be downloaded at the following link:
Users of the Histo Pathology Core's Client Microscopy Facilities can take advantage of the below linked ruler files to aid in making bars of measure for figures.
Leica DM2000 Upright Compound Microscope with Jenoptik Gryphax Camera (set at 2700 x 1800 pixels)
- 1.25x Objective
- 2.5x Objective
- 4x Objective
- 10x Objective
- 20x Objective
- 40x Objective
- 63x Objective
- 100x Objective
Zeiss Axiovert 100 Inverted Microscope with Jenoptik Gryphax Camera (set at 2700 x 1800 pixels)
Each ruler file contains a millimeter scale, or a portion thereof, at higher magnification. The example graphic depicts the relative rulings.
Users needing to make bars of measure for images acquired on the Core's other imaging systems, or acquired on the Leica DM2000 or Zeiss Axiovert 100 before June of 2018, should contact the lab for assistance with additional rulers.
Progress CF Scan Camera 2040 x 1536 pixels
(Operational 6/12/2017 - 6/10/2018)
Optronics Microfire Camera 1600 x 1200 pixels
(Operational 1/22/2008 - 6/11/2017)