2019 Article Archive
Take action to prevent cervical cancer
Almost all cases of cervical cancer are caused by human papillomavirus, or HPV, making it a preventable cancer, say UT Southwestern Medical Center physicians.
A family faces a cancer crisis together
Catherine Carr Worley noticed that the breast that had been troubling her had a bruised, discolored look. “Get to a doctor immediately,” her lactation expert told Catherine over the phone.
Big genome found in tiny forest defoliator
Drs. Don Gammon and Nick Grishin have sequenced the genomes of the European gypsy moth and its even more destructive cousin, the Asian gypsy moth.
UTSW researcher wins 'Triple Crown' of diabetes research awards
UT Southwestern’s Dr. Philipp Scherer has become the first scientist to win what could be called the “Triple Crown” of diabetes research recognition – adding the top Asian award to the American and European ones he claimed earlier.
Stuck on the couch? Good exercise habits derailed by common food additive
Inorganic phosphate, a food additive and preservative used in up to 70 percent of food in the American diet, may be contributing to couch potato behavior.
Single-incision surgery speeds recovery for cancer patient
A new robotic surgery device allows for all of the necessary surgical tools to be inserted through one 1-inch hole, whereas standard laparoscopic surgery requires five or six small incisions.
Life is a Song
Donald Jones, R.N., splits his time working as the clinical administrative coordinator of emergency services at St. Paul University Hospital and singing with the Dallas Opera Chorus at the Margot and Bill Winspear Opera House.