Compliance and Salary & Wage Confirmation
In alignment with Uniform Guidance requirements, SPA performs compliance monitoring for various research transactions at UT Southwestern Medical Center. We review the University's research financial functions, including coordinating and validating data for multiple financial and programmatic audits each year. We also collaborate with the Provost’s Office to monitor Salary and Wage Confirmation, sourcing reviews of university employees' reasonableness related to research awards.
FAQs and Guidance Materials
- Where can I find a link to the UTSW Medical Center W-9 form? (PDF)
- How do I add a new sponsor? (PDF)
- How do I add a new subrecipient or vendor? (PDF)
- Who do I contact if I receive a request for a desk review and/or audit? (PDF)
- How do I add my name to the Salary & Wage Confirmation (SWC) SharePoint site? (PDF)