Termed Accounts
A Beyond Identity survey found that “56% of employees who retained digital access said they used it to harm their former employer”.
Deprovisioning is the process of deleting employee access to information resources when they leave. Supervisors and sponsors, please be sure to follow up when a user leaves UTSW. These unattended accounts could continue to be used by the ex‑employee or function as an easy starting point for an attacker.
ISR-111 Systems Access Management
When a user’s employment terminates or contract expires, or the user otherwise no longer requires access to information resources, the user’s supervisor or sponsor is responsible for submission of the termination transaction in the human capital management system (currently PeopleSoft HCM) as soon as possible, but no later than two (2) business days before the planned effective date of separation of employment or termination of the relationship that allowed the access.
Learn more about ISR-111 Systems Access Management.