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Look out for holiday cyberscams

Metal fishhook piercing a red envelope

The holidays are very appealing to hackers, which lead to an uptick in phishing and ransomware attacks.

Consumers can incorrectly assume that text messages or emails from Amazon, FedEx or UPS are legitimate. By creating tempting downloads and attractive websites, fraudsters can lure you to links that prompt you to enter sensitive information or download malware.

  • Be wary of attachments in emails.
  • Check the return address.
  • Before clicking, hover over all email URL links to view the true website domain.
  • Go directly to the known website instead of using the email link.

When in doubt, ask Information Security for assistance. Contact the IR Service Desk at 214-648-7600 immediately if you think your device may have been affected or a ransomware note appears.

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