1098-T FAQs
Q: What is the IRS Form 1098-T?
A: Is a form that the school issues to certain students that reports the total dollar amount paid by the student for qualified tuition and related expenses (QTRE) in a single tax year.
Q: When will I receive my Form 1098-T?
A: It’s made available electronically by January 31 in the student self-service portal.
Q: Why does the numbers on the Form 1098-T not equal to the amount I paid to the school?
A: The amount in Box 1 only represents amounts paid for QTRE and does not include payments made for room and board, insurance, health service fees, or parking. Some fees are not considered mandatory education expenses for tax purposes. Also, 1098-T reports amounts that the student paid in a certain year, and the pay date does not necessarily correspond to the dates that the classes were attended.

Q: I am a graduate student and I received fellowship payments. Where is my fellowship reported on my Form 1098-T?
A: Fellowships are considered financial aid and will be reported in Box 5 (scholarship, grants, fellowships). Form 1098-T report activity occuring in a calendar year. If the total aid you received during a calendar year (reportable in Box 5) exceeds the QTRE paid during the same calendar year, you will not receive a Form 1098-T
Q: I graduated in May, do I have a form 1098-T for that year?
A: Some May graduates will not be issued a 1098-T for the year they graduated because there is a possibility that payments for QTRE were made on or before December 31st of the year prior to graduating. Therefore, would have been included in the prior year’s Form 1098-T.
Q: I graduated and no longer have access to my student portal, how do I access my 1098-T?
A: Contact Student Accounting via StudentAccounting@utsouthwestern.edu