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Smiling woman with long dark hair, wearing a black jacket over white blouse.

“Prospective students should look forward to MSHI classes being challenging, but also full of knowledge that will pave the way and give them the tools they need to have a successful career after the program.”

Elizabeth Gonzalez

Master of Science in Health Informatics
Research Topic: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Biostatistics

Smiling man with dark curly hair and a dark beard and mustache, wearing a blue polo shirt with the UT Southswestern Medical Center logo.

“I love that all instructors/professors in this program have real-life experiences and not just theoretical. Their insights give such a clear picture of each aspect to this field. I think it’s rare to find that perfect mix of theory and practicum in a program like this.”

Eugene Abraham

Master of Science in Health Informatics
Research Topic: Clinical Data Analytics and Machine Learning

Smiling woman with long black hair pulled back in a pony tail, wearing a dark jacket, print blouse, and light-framed glasses.

“The opportunity to cross collaborate with individuals from all aspects of healthcare and informatics has been incredibly educational and faculty have been unfailingly supportive.”

Catherine Chen

Master of Science in Health Informatics
Research Topic: Machine Learning and Clinical Decision Support

Smiling man with short graying hair, wearing a dark suit over a light dress shirt and blue tie.

“These physician instructors have real-life experience designing, implementing, and maintaining health information technology systems within our institution. We have the most brilliant minds teaching us and they are all always willing to share what they know to help the students succeed in their own career endeavors. ”

Marcus Hurt

Master of Science in Health Informatics
Research Topic: Predictive Analytics and Machine Learning