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Program Mission, Goals and Objectives

The MCN-NH utilizes the unique resources of the medical center to prepare graduates to meet the demands of the changing health care system. Having developed a strong knowledge base in nutritional science, graduates use this information effectively within their scope of practice. Individualized experiences facilitate students’ pursuit of their career goals in healthcare, research, and as an expert for the public.

The program has established the following goals and objectives:

  1. Prepare graduates to be competent in nutrition screening and assessing the nutrition status of patients to provide nutrition care within their scope of practice and make appropriate referrals.
    1. Apply knowledge of nutrition for patients with diverse medical conditions
    2. Collaborate within interdisciplinary teams to support nutrtion care for patients with complex medical problems
  2. Prepare graduates capable of interpreting and communicating science-based principles of nutrition science and current research.
    1. Provide nutrition education to populations with diverse nutritional needs
    2. Analyze published research to support the evidence-based practice of nutrition