Center for Depression Research and Clinical Care
Message from the Director
Built on a quarter-century of research in mood disorders, the CDRC was established in 2015 to realize a future free from the burden of depression. Since its founding, the CDRC has demonstrated its impact in lives changed. We have led research into new treatments, including brain and blood tests, for depression and suicide. We have established evidence-based programs that transform our ability to prevent, diagnose, and treat depression. Critically, we have built networks and established research-driven programs that extend our reach to adolescents, addressing youth depression and suicide with mental health promotion and resilience training that encourage a conversation long overdue. We have witnessed the difference our efforts make for people with mental disorders and their families. Such results speak to the value of the work to which we have dedicated ourselves. We continually strive to build bridges to better mental health and wellbeing for our community in Texas and beyond. Accomplishing this means addressing the particular needs and levels of community involvement that make success possible.
Our Work
Our Faculty

Exploring health care access for underserved populations and focusing on pediatric populations suffering from depressive disorders

Applying novel computational approaches to existing clinical and neuroimaging data to characterize the immune cell mechanisms underlying suicidal thoughts

Developing analytical methods to integrate microbiome data with neuroimaging, behavioural, and clinical data sets to better understand the individual nature of microbiome-host interactions in health and disease

Identifying risk and resilience factors for young children and families exposed to adverse and traumatic experiencess

Focusing on evidence-based interventions for difficulty-to-treat depressive and anxiety disordera

Leading the neuroimaging and neuromodulation components for several studies

Establishing antidepressant treatment efficacy, examining treatment-resistant depression to develop algorithms and guidelines, developing and validating biomarkers to reach the goal of precision medicine for mood disorders