Surgical and Transplant Thoracic Pathology

Pulmonary Bronch

The Thoracic Pathology Division at UT Southwestern Medical Center (UTSW) has dedicated faculty with diagnostic expertise in neoplastic, non-neoplastic, and transplant pathology of the lung, heart, and mediastinum.

Our team works closely with a multidisciplinary clinical team including transplant surgeons, cardiologists, pulmonologists, and radiologists and attend regular inter-department conferences to share complex clinical and pathologic cases. The service covers two major hospitals, a 400+ bed private hospital (William P. Clements Jr. University Hospital) and a 900+ bed safety net hospital (Parkland Hospital), which provide a wealth of very interesting and challenging cases that cover the entire spectrum of neoplastic and non-neoplastic lung, cardiac, and mediastinal diseases with a balanced distribution of benign and malignant diseases.

Clements University Hospital has a large transplant center that includes:

In total, the thoracic service annually diagnoses approximately:

  • 3,000 thoracic pathology cases
  • 210 adult thoracic consults
  • 20 pediatric lung disease consults

In addition to clinical service, our team actively participates in clinical and translational research and teaches medical students, pathology residents, and fellows. We have a dedicated year-long thoracic fellowship that helps the service run smoothly along with providing the trainee with a unique opportunity to get world-class thoracic pathology education.


Dr. Luis E. De Las Casas, M.D.

Luis E. De Las Casas, M.D.

  • Professor
  • Fellowship Director of Thoracic Pathology
  • Subspecialty Groups: Cytopathology, Thoracic Pathology, Surgical and Transplant
  • Clements University Hospital
Dr. Urooba Nadeem

Urooba Nadeem, M.D.

Dr. Qi Cai

Qi Cai, M.D., Ph.D.

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