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Clinical Research

Dr. Thomas Cotter

Thomas Cotter, M.D.

Research Interests: Dr. Cotter's research is primarily outcomes-based and is focused on improving the care of patients with alcohol-associated liver disease and of liver transplant recipients.

Research Group Publications

Dr. Kerry Dunbar

Kerry Dunbar, M.D., Ph.D.

Research Interests: Barrett's esophagus, Eosinophilic esophagitis, Esophageal motility disorders, Gastroesophageal reflux disease, and Novel endoscopic imaging


Dr. David Fudman

David Fudman, M.D.

Research Interests: Inflammatory bowel disease and Quality improvement


Dr. Nisa Kubiliun

Nisa Kubiliun, M.D.

Research Interests: Pancreatic cancer early detection and prevention, genetic risk for pancreatic malignancies


Dr. William M. Lee

William Lee, M.D

Research Interests: Acute liver failure, Drug-induced hepatotoxicity, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C

Acute Liver Failure Study Group Publications

Dr. Sarah Lieber

Sarah Lieber, M.D.

Research Interests: Dr. Leiber’s research interests are focused on liver transplantation outcomes, patient reported outcomes, and health behavior intervention design.


Dr. Jeremy Louissaint

Jeremy Louissaint, M.D.

Research Interests: Dr. Louissaint’s research interests are focused on leveraging telehealth to improve the outpatient care of patients with cirrhosis, especially using effective technology-based patient-provider communication tools.


Marlyn Mayo

Marlyn Mayo, M.D.

Research Interests: Primary Biliary Cholangitis, Cholestatic Pruritus, Primary Sclerosisn Cholangitis, Autoimmune Hepatits, Hepatorenal Syndrome, and Medical Education


Dr. Mack Mitchell

Mack Mitchell, M.D.

Research Interests: Alcohol-related liver disease


photo of Dr. Jacqueline O'Leary

Jacqueline O'Leary, M.D.

Research Interests: Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure, Antibody Mediated Rejection in Liver Transplantation, NASH


photo of Dr. Nicole Rich

Nicole Rich, M.D.

Research Interests: Hepatitis C screening in underserved populations, Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) prognosis and treatment, Racial/ethnic disparities in liver diseases


Dr. Tarek Sawas

Tarek Sawas, M.D.

Research Interests: Esophageal Cancer Risk Factors and Treatment, Pancreaticobiliary Cancer, Bariatric Endoscopy Outcomes


photo of Dr. Amit Singal

Amit Singal, M.D.

Research Interests: Effectiveness of surveillance for hepatocellular carcinoma, Impact of patient and physician knowledge/attitudes on receipt of care, Quality of care in the cirrhotic patient


photo of Dr. Anna Tavakkoli

Anna Tavakkoli, M.D.

Research Interests: Disparities in gastrointestinal malignancies, quality improvement of ERCP, and outcomes after ESG and TORe


photo of Dr. Lisa VanWagner

Lisa VanWagner, M.D.

Research Interests: Her research utilizes human population-based approaches, large electronic health record data analysis and health services research methods to define and characterize cardiometabolic disease risk prediction, prevention and treatment approaches in patients with chronic liver disease.
