
Research and Quality Improvement Projects

In addition to gaining valuable clinical experience and skills, students conduct research in a continual effort to improve the clinics and better serve the greater Dallas community, especially those in underserved, uninsured populations. Students have conducted research on everything from student education to quality improvement efforts to learning the scope and impact of clinical services.

Since the start of the Service Learning at Dallas SRFCs elective, many of the projects have been facilitated through the elective or through the Community Medicine elective. To date, students have been involved in approximately 50 research projects. These projects have been presented at national conferences, submitted to academic journals, and used to improve the functions of the clinics. 

Click the "Research Projects" link in the left-side menu to see some recent student research projects.

The Scope of Student Research Projects

Clinic Services

  • Student-Run Smoking Cessation Program at Calvert Place
  • Center of Hope Women's Health
  • Contraception and Survey
  • Meaningful use of EMR
  • Food Insecurity Screening and Referral
  • Preventative Care in UTSW SRFC
  • Smoking Cessation - Telehealth and Traditional Classes

Undergraduate Medical Education

  • A Primer to Commonly Prescribed Outpatient Medications
  • Brief educational intervention and survey of effectiveness
  • Meaningful use of EMR
  • Educational handouts for and surveys of student Monday Clinic volunteers
  • Improving The Monday Clinic website with educational resources

Quality Improvement

  • Access and Adequacy of Cancer Screenings at Student Clinics
  • Assessing Spanish Interpreters at SRFC
  • Improving Student EHR Use
  • Patient Needs Assessment and Satisfaction Survey
  • The Monday Clinic Website Quality Improvement