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Application Timeline

Application Deadline: November 1

Recommended Application Timeline

Medical School Admissions Timeline

January – May

  • MCAT
    Take the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT). If you are taking the MCAT the first time in July, August, or September, be aware that the UT Southwestern Medical School may not complete the review of your application until your MCAT score has been received
  • Prerequisite Courses
    Ensure you’ve completed or are in the process of completing any required prerequisite courses for admission
  • Application Preparation
    Start preparing your applications – Reach out to your recommenders, start writing your essays, and ensure you’re familiar with the TMDSAS and UT Southwestern application process


  • May 1
    UT Southwestern begins accepting applications. Please visit TMDSAS for application dates and deadlines.
  • CASPer examination
    Pick a date and register for the CASPer examination. Please be sure to have your scores sent to UT Southwestern. Visit the CASPer site for more information. If you are invited to interview, your scores must be delivered to UT Southwestern prior to your interview date.
  • Primary Application
    Complete your primary application to the Texas Medical and Dental Schools Application Service. The deadline to submit your primary application is November 1.
    Apply via TMDSAS
  • Secondary Application
    You may submit your secondary application after we receive your primary application from TMDSAS. You will receive an email prompting you to create an account to access the secondary application once your primary application is transmitted. Please check your spam and junk folders. Once you have created your account, please access your application portal. The deadline to submit your secondary application is November 15.


  • Interview Invitations
    UT Southwestern begins extending interview invitations via email to applicants
  • Retake the MCAT
    If necessary, retake the MCAT and ensure you submit your updated scores


  • Interview Season Begins
    Watch your email for an invitation to interview


  • Oct. 15
    UT Southwestern begins extending Medical School offers of admission; Rolling admissions period begins
  • Interviews Continue
    Application review and interviews continue


  • Nov. 1
    Deadline to complete primary application
  • Nov. 15
    All supporting documents submitted to TMDSAS (transcripts, evaluation letters) for applicants should be post-marked by this date. Deadline to complete secondary application.
  • Pre-Match Offers
    Pre-match offers of admission continue through January
  • Interviews Continue
    Application review and interviews continue


  • Interviews Continue
    Application review and interviews continue


  • Interview Season Ends
    Interview season ends in early January
  • Late January
    Pre-match offer period ends
    Deadline to rank schools of preference in TMDSAS admissions match


  • Mid-February
    Match results announced and rolling admission period begins.


  • April 30
    Last day to resolve multiple offers. This date applies to all medical schools across the nation. It is the final day an applicant can hold on to more than one offer from an LCME accredited medical school.


  • May 15
    After 5 p.m. CT on May 15, no medical school in Texas may offer a position to an applicant already accepted by another medical school in Texas.