Molecular Biophysics Training Grant
UT Southwestern Medical Center is proud to host an NIH T32 Molecular Biophysics Training Program (“MBTP,” T32 GM008297), supporting student training within the affiliated Molecular Biophysics Graduate Program. The MBTP is composed of 34 faculty mentors drawn chiefly from six basic science departments and three research centers, including the Departments of Biophysics, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Physiology, Cell Biology, and Neuroscience. This group has broad expertise across experimental and computational research methods, providing an excellent environment for students to learn how to quantitatively probe biological phenomena at the molecular, cellular, and network scales.
Now in its 25th year, the MBTP continues its record of innovative training by adding new faculty, courses, and activities with complementary interests and expertise; recruiting an increasingly diverse pool of students; developing curricula and training mechanisms that provide our trainees with a modern foundation for future excellence in academic and industrial biomedical research, all within a training period of reasonable length. The MBTP directly supports a number of activities to these ends, including our informal Molecular Biophysics Discussion Group series and an annual program research symposium.
In addition, the MBTP supports the stipend, benefits, and travel costs for four trainees chosen in an annual competition. Students interested in applying for this support must be members of the Molecular Biophysics Graduate Program and U.S. citizens or permanent residents.
Additional information can be obtained from the MBTP director, Yuh Min Chook, Ph.D.,