Seminars & Training Environment
Discussion Group
Students in the Molecular Biophysics Graduate Program benefit from a rich training environment that includes the long-running Molecular Biophysics Discussion Group (MBDG) seminar series. The MBDG provides trainees opportunities to meet with leading scientists from other institutions and to hear about their latest breakthroughs.
Journal Clubs and Seminars
There is also a Journal Club and WIPS (works-in-progress series) that provide training in scientific presentation and feedback on current work. Each year culminates with an annual research symposium that includes oral and poster presentations from Molecular Biophysics Graduate Program trainees. The symposium is specifically designed to facilitate scientific exchange and academic development. Program trainees also participate in other seminar series, including but not limited to those from the departments of Biophysics, Pharmacology, Physiology, and Cell Biology, and from the Cecil H. and Ida Green Comprehensive Center for Molecular, Computational, and Systems Biology.
Core Facilities
Several core facilities provide access to state-of-the-art instrumentation and training to complement what is available in individual labs. Of the many excellent core facilities at UT Southwestern, those most frequently used by members of the Molecular Biophysics Program include the Structural Biology Lab, the Molecular Biophysics Resource, and the Live Cell Imaging and Electron Microscopy Cores.