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NNRC Fellowship

We have a 1-year program during which nurses are provided with the resources and education required to complete a clinical research study. Below are our current fellows and their studys for which they are the primary investigator. Additionally, our team provides ad hoc support for abstract writing, manuscript preparation, and clinical trial design.

Current Fellows

Mable Koshy

Mable Koshy, BSN, RN, PMH-BC

  • Optimizing Ratings for Understanding Psychiatric Unit in Hospital Acuity through Learning and Evaluation (ORUPUOLE)
Maria Denbow

Christina Wagner, BSN, RN, CCRN, CMC, CSC

  • Does taking ICU patients outside increase good outcomes? (NATURE)
Krystal Jimenez

Krystal Jimenez, BSN, RN

  • Relevance of a Pupillometer to Provide Diagnostic Insight in the E.D (RAPID)
Marcela Brunken

Marcela Brunken BSN, RN

  • Self-CARE for Nurses at UTSW (SCARE)
Betsy Abraham

Betsy Abraham MSN, RN, CCRN

  • Recording COntinuous Video to Identify Mutually Exclusive CaRe Interventions for Coma Patients (RECOVER)
Sunday Opeyemi

Sunday Opeyemi, BSN, RN, CCRN

  • For Patient Delirium Exams in the NSICU is Stanford more Appropriate and Reliable than CAM-ICU (PENSAR)