William P. Clements Jr. University Hospital is the principal University Hospital for the Internal Medicine and Cardiothoracic Surgery Services, as well as several other surgical teams.
Pulmonary Service
The team consists of a fellow, an attending, and four intern/resident teams. All non-cardiac medical admissions to the ICU become the primary responsibility of the Pulmonary Service. In addition, primary lung-related diseases admitted to the general wards also are cared for by the Pulmonary Service. Thus, this team acts as a traditional “chest service.”
Pulmonary Consultation/Procedure Service
The fellow and attending on the Pulmonary Consultation/Procedure Service see all pulmonary inpatient consults, including thoracic surgery patients in the ICU. In addition, the fellow performs conventional bronchoscopies and also regularly assists with interventional pulmonary techniques, including endobronchial ultrasound, airway stent placement, APC electrocautery, rigid bronchoscopy, and pleuroscopy.
Sleep and Neuromuscular Pulmonary Hypertension/Sleep Center
The fellow attends clinic in the University Hospital Sleep & Breathing Disorders Clinic and sees patients with a variety of respiratory control and circadian rhythm disturbances. The fellow also will see patients with chronic respiratory failure due to neuromuscular disease and be familiarized with a variety of noninvasive ventilator techniques. The fellow will also spend one-week learning cardiopulmonary exercise interpretation at Presbyterian Medical Center with one of our research faculty members.
Lung Transplant/Cystic Fibrosis
The fellow and transplant attending care for both inpatients and outpatients for post-transplant care and pre-transplant evaluation. The fellow learns management of immunosuppressive therapy and sees a variety of post-transplant complications, including opportunistic infections and airway diseases. In addition, the fellow will also see inpatients with cystic fibrosis with a dedicated attending. The fellow will attend Parkland Continuity Clinic during this rotation.
Pulmonary Hypertension
The fellow will participate in inpatient rounds with a Pulmonary Hypertension attending caring for both ICU and non-ICU patients. The fellow will participate in right heart catheterizations and attend Pulmonary Hypertension Clinic. These patients provide a large spectrum of disease including rheumatologic, thromboembolic, and vascular conditions.